Brookline Interactive Group (BIG)
Brookline Interactive Group (BIG) ensures a place for all Brookline residents to access media-making technology, amplify their voices and tell their stories, develop media literacy and new skills, and sustain a vibrant and transparent democracy.
Rooted in the legacy of public access television, BIG’s funding, relationships, and education programs focus on traditional and emerging media, online channels and a cable-distribution model. BIG offers extensive low-cost and free training in digital storytelling, video production and editing, and community journalism, providing access to high-quality filmmaking and studio equipment.
BIG’s community and civic cable channels distribute public safety and community governance information, coverage of community-wide discussions, government meetings, public hearings, community news programs, and provide media coverage for hundreds of hours of local events, lectures, and performances, based on staff or volunteer availability.
In recent years BIG has reimagined itself as a next-generation media arts organization and national leader; in one year teaching 27 after-school programs for children and youth, operating a paid job training media arts apprenticeship program for high school youth, creating community-based traditional and emerging media, and managing media literacy and production programs for K-12 students and educators, with over 500 regional participants in its programs annually. BIG offers production grants and screenings, film sprints, classes, and cohort filmmaking programs, and provides media services to nonprofits, artists, libraries, educators, and government.
BIG also offers affordable and professional multimedia services, including video production and live streaming services, fee-based classes and tutoring, and social media marketing, to local businesses, non-profit organizations, Town committees and education providers. Contact BIG for a quote!